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Showing posts from December, 2006


The water table has finally risen enough to feed a small spring by the Water Meadow car park in Chesham which means that there is now a small stream flowing in the river bed under the town bridge. Not enough to bring fish back to that part of the river. The garden is more active with birds, starlings are now visiting regularly and sparrows come into the bushes. A cock blackbird has taken up residence and the wood pidgeons are coming to the ground feeder as well. There don't seem to be as many greenfinches as normal yet but siskins are nowhere near as uncommon as in previous years. Unfortunately pair of wrens that were visting regularly either didn't survive the hard frosts just before Christmas or have moved elsewhere.

All Feeders Go

I now have all the feeders filled. One nyjer seed, one no mess mixture, one sunflower seed, two fat bars, ground hopper with sunflower hearts and ground tray with mixed feed and fat. Now getting blue and great tits, goldfinches and chaffinches, robins, dunnocks and blackbird on the ground. At least one coal tit is visiting regularly. Sparrows, greenfinches, siskins and wood pidgeons are visiting but rarely. I have yet to see any starlings in the garden, which means that there has been little consumption of the fat bars so far. I am rather dissapointed with the "high energy - no mess" mix in the feeder, it is going down slowly and the tits seem to prefer the whole sunflowers in the small hanging feeder or the hearts in the ground hopper. I may need to reconsider what to feed here. Around the area the red kites are in evidence again, during the last few days I saw one between Chesham and Great Missenden and another, perched on a solitary tree, between Ley Hill and Latimer. Afte...


I am now using three seed feeders, the two large ones have nyjer seed and a high energy - no mess mix. The small feeder takes my remaining stock of while sunflower seeds which will not be replaced when finished. The ground feeder tray has a fat bar and a specialist ground blend while the feeder hopper has sunflower hearts with a little oatmeal mixed in. The hanging fat feeder has a peanut cake mix with insects and the other fat feeder is still empty. Apart from starlings and sparrows the birds are now back in force. Blue and great tits are in evidence in large numbersand I am also getting the occasional coal tit. On the ground, as well as the usual dunnocks and robins I am seeing wrens and a pair of blackbirds. Chaffinches and goldfinches are also frequent with greenfinches a little less common. So far I have yet to see wrens or blackbirds anywhere near the ground feeders but that will come. The hanging fat bar has not been touched yet although it usually takes a few days for the bird...

Water Water

Despite the recent heavy rain the state of our chalk streams does not seem to be improving. Yesterday there was still no water flowing under Chesham Town Bridge. Walking into the town from the Water Meadow (rather a joke considering my previous comment) car park I was delighted to see a kite flying over the woods opposite. It flew up the valley and then swung across Newtown and out of site behind the buildings. That is the first red kite that I have seen since spring or early summer.