It is getting quite spring like now. In the mornings the dawn chorus has become quite pronounced although there hasn't been much going on in the garden. If anything feeding has declined slightly. No interesting sightings in the garden although I am now starting to notice yellowhammers on the drive to work and the pheasants are becoming suicidal. This week one walked out of danger onto the verge then took to the air and just missed the windscreen. I did have the pleasure of seeing a kite at rooftop height today only a few doors away from my house. I haven't seen a live badger for some time but have seen a couple as roadkill in recent weeks. Also when driving through Epping Forest recently I saw a muntjac which is the first time that I have seen one so far east.
Once upon a time you could find me birding on the Thames marshes almost every weekend through the winter. For various reasons I am now seldom able to travel to good birding sites. I am lucky, however, to live in the beautiful Chiltern Hills and this blog is to document the birds that I see on my own patch.