Finally this winter I saw a great spotted woodpecker on the fat feeder at the front of the house, and a handsome chap he was. I was enjoying the sight so much that I forgot to walk the few feet to where I had left the camera bag. I am part way through demolishing my old lean to and the work bench is currently standing on the lawn which means that there is a nice snow free foraging area attracting more dunnocks than I usually see at one time. With the deep snow I have swept the top surface and stood a ground feeder on it as an impromtu bird table. Last seen the contents were being demolished by a squirrel who ingored every attempt to chase him away. Apart from that I am getting blue tits, chaffinches, robins, blackbirds and wood pigeons. The goldfinches haven't returned and the long tailed tits seem to have moved on.
Once upon a time you could find me birding on the Thames marshes almost every weekend through the winter. For various reasons I am now seldom able to travel to good birding sites. I am lucky, however, to live in the beautiful Chiltern Hills and this blog is to document the birds that I see on my own patch.