Driving home through Latimer yesterday evening I was surprised by an animal crossing the road with a strange lumbering gallop. My first assumption was that it was a cat or fox but it didn't seem quite right. As it crossed in front of me I realised that it was a badger. I have never seen one run like that before, every other one that I have seen has been bumbling along close to the ground. This morning it was nice to see yellowhammers on the phone wires between Ley Hill and Latimer . They will probably be a regular site throughout the summer now. Sheep are being kept in the area and at the moment the gambolling of lambs is a regular sight.
Once upon a time you could find me birding on the Thames marshes almost every weekend through the winter. For various reasons I am now seldom able to travel to good birding sites. I am lucky, however, to live in the beautiful Chiltern Hills and this blog is to document the birds that I see on my own patch.