The few blue tits that were coming into the garden seem to have deserted me. The level in the seed feeder has been constant for the last few days and the goldfinches have still to rediscover the nyjer seed. The dunnock is still in evidence either taking fat from the ground tray or searching among the sunflower husks under the feeders.
In the surrouding areas I am not seeing much except for corvids and pigeons. Even the pheasants that were in evidence a couple of weeks ago have vanished.
It was a wonderfuly clear crisp autumn morning today made all the more remarkable by largely empty skys. On the way to work the clear light made a young fox by the railway line between Neasden and Willesden Green stand out in a handsome bright red. Coming home in the dark a muntjac was in the road between Latimer and Ley Hill but evolution seems to be taking its course and the survivors are the ones that run away from cars.
In the surrouding areas I am not seeing much except for corvids and pigeons. Even the pheasants that were in evidence a couple of weeks ago have vanished.
It was a wonderfuly clear crisp autumn morning today made all the more remarkable by largely empty skys. On the way to work the clear light made a young fox by the railway line between Neasden and Willesden Green stand out in a handsome bright red. Coming home in the dark a muntjac was in the road between Latimer and Ley Hill but evolution seems to be taking its course and the survivors are the ones that run away from cars.