The greater spotted wodpecker is still a regular visitor to the back garden but yesterday I was noticed a lot of starlings on the front lawn next door. One seemed to be moving oddly and taking a closer look I realised that there was a green woodpecker among them. I nave never had a change to watch one quite so closely and I was struck by its very stiff gait as it hopped and by the way the beak was held titled upwards, reminiscent of a cormorant. It was digging quite intensively in one spot in a manner which explains the several holes that had appeared in my grass in recent months.
Once upon a time you could find me birding on the Thames marshes almost every weekend through the winter. For various reasons I am now seldom able to travel to good birding sites. I am lucky, however, to live in the beautiful Chiltern Hills and this blog is to document the birds that I see on my own patch.