The starling chicks finally put in an appearance yesterday, making a lot of noise and standing on top of the fat bar and demanding to be fed. One or two did take the occasional peck but they still prefer sitting with their mouths open. That will change in a day or two.
We have had a lot of chaffinches including one chick being fed while a very frazzled looking blue tit keeps carrying off beak fulls of fat. Apart form that, over the last two days we have had house sparrows, goldfinches, dunnock, robin, blackbird, wood pigeon and greater spotted woodpecker in the garden.
A trip to Oxfordshire today was rather lacking in birds as it was raining heavily on the way out although later in the day we did see a few swifts in Bampton and on the way back six kites in the Thame area. Even though they are a common site around here they still provoke a sense of wonder whenever I see them.
We have had a lot of chaffinches including one chick being fed while a very frazzled looking blue tit keeps carrying off beak fulls of fat. Apart form that, over the last two days we have had house sparrows, goldfinches, dunnock, robin, blackbird, wood pigeon and greater spotted woodpecker in the garden.
A trip to Oxfordshire today was rather lacking in birds as it was raining heavily on the way out although later in the day we did see a few swifts in Bampton and on the way back six kites in the Thame area. Even though they are a common site around here they still provoke a sense of wonder whenever I see them.