In previous years I commented on how I never seem to see red kites in June. I was reminded of that when I saw one over Latimer this evening, which is by no means the first this month.
In the garden the starlings are turning up in smaller numbers and a great tit has reappeared. There are blackbird families in both the front and back gardens and I have seen the juveniles being fed several times. Both greater spotted and green woodpeckers are in evidence, the former taking a lot of fat from the feeders and the latter digging holes in the front lawn. Other regulars are goldfinches, chaffinches, house sparrows, blue tits, robins including a juvenile, dunnock and a resident pair of wood pigeons.
Absent these days are other varieties of tit, greenfinches and collared doves.
In the garden the starlings are turning up in smaller numbers and a great tit has reappeared. There are blackbird families in both the front and back gardens and I have seen the juveniles being fed several times. Both greater spotted and green woodpeckers are in evidence, the former taking a lot of fat from the feeders and the latter digging holes in the front lawn. Other regulars are goldfinches, chaffinches, house sparrows, blue tits, robins including a juvenile, dunnock and a resident pair of wood pigeons.
Absent these days are other varieties of tit, greenfinches and collared doves.