At home today with a cold I actually had some time to look out of the window and see the food that I pay for being eaten.
It was striking how the birds came fairly early in the morning but by lunch time the only thing in the garden was a pair of wood pigeons. Also a pile of black feathers a couple of weeks ago suggests that something has eaten the resident blackbird in the back garden. I still see blackbirds but they don't hang around and the raisins that I put out are hardly touched.
In the back the goldfinches were in evidence as well as blue tits, dunnock, robin, wood pigeon and a passing blackbird. I didn't see any other finches which is supprising considering how common chaffinches were a few weks ago. A hint of yellow at the bottom of the garden suggests that the forsythia will be out soon.e
The fat feeder in the fro
nt attracted a blackbird as I had been careful to position it close to a twig for perching. Luckily he stayed around long enough for this photo. (If you click on it you should see the high definition version). It was also nice to get a visit from a long tailed tit as well. Blue tits and a robin also called.
It was striking how the birds came fairly early in the morning but by lunch time the only thing in the garden was a pair of wood pigeons. Also a pile of black feathers a couple of weeks ago suggests that something has eaten the resident blackbird in the back garden. I still see blackbirds but they don't hang around and the raisins that I put out are hardly touched.
In the back the goldfinches were in evidence as well as blue tits, dunnock, robin, wood pigeon and a passing blackbird. I didn't see any other finches which is supprising considering how common chaffinches were a few weks ago. A hint of yellow at the bottom of the garden suggests that the forsythia will be out soon.e
The fat feeder in the fro
