The starlings are working through the fat bars at quite a rate now. Last night I put in a 1 litre bar in the back garden and a 300 gram cake in the front. The cake was gone by 10am and the bar by late afternoon.
Some of the chicks are feeding themselves but some stand on top of the fat bar with their mouths open!
Luckily this season is short although intense. From previous years blogs I see that the chicks arrive about this week each year. I will spend a fortune on fat for about three weeks then they will probably move on during late June and early July.
Some of the chicks are feeding themselves but some stand on top of the fat bar with their mouths open!
Luckily this season is short although intense. From previous years blogs I see that the chicks arrive about this week each year. I will spend a fortune on fat for about three weeks then they will probably move on during late June and early July.