I was working at home this afternoon and at lunchtime I noticed that the starlings had discovered the fat feeder at the front of the house. They had it spinning like a top on its hanging chain as they tried to get at the last pieces of fat on the bottom.
When the finally moved on the coal tit was back pretty promptly. They are lovely neat little birds and now that they are coming to the front I get a far better view from the kitchen that I have ever had before. The great tits have also been attracted at the front although I didn't see any there today.
At the back blue and great tits have been coming to the feeders as well as chaffinches and dunnocks, robins and wood pigeons to the ground feeder.
When the finally moved on the coal tit was back pretty promptly. They are lovely neat little birds and now that they are coming to the front I get a far better view from the kitchen that I have ever had before. The great tits have also been attracted at the front although I didn't see any there today.
At the back blue and great tits have been coming to the feeders as well as chaffinches and dunnocks, robins and wood pigeons to the ground feeder.