The Indian Summer is finally over. Last weekend temeratures were in the 80s and I was picking strawberries. Clear skys did make spotting large birds easier and a personal first for me was to see buzzard in Essex. While I have seen them often enough in Bucks and Herts this was the first time east of the Lea, as I came out of Epping Forest towards the M25 at Waltham Abbey.
Driving towards Oxford last night I commented to my passenger that it was about time that I saw another badger. Suprisingly on the way back we actually did see one. At first I thought is was a bag or sack dumped in the middle of the lane but as I slowed down it scuttled into the side.
Driving towards Oxford last night I commented to my passenger that it was about time that I saw another badger. Suprisingly on the way back we actually did see one. At first I thought is was a bag or sack dumped in the middle of the lane but as I slowed down it scuttled into the side.