The first hints of the autumn colours are now appearing, particularly last week on Boxmoor Common. The other, less welcome, autumn colour was the purple droppings on the car bonnet after parking under a tree. The garden is quiet as usual but one unusual sight was a buzzard over the M11 / M25 junction in Essex. That's the first time that I have seen one in the Roding Valley.
Mentioning bird droppings I was in St Albans a couple of weeks ago and walked around the lake in the Verulam Park. I was struck by how clean the path was compared with that around Skottows Pond in Chesham. I assume that the local authority has been pricking goose eggs as there were only about a dozen canadas visible in the whole park.
Mentioning bird droppings I was in St Albans a couple of weeks ago and walked around the lake in the Verulam Park. I was struck by how clean the path was compared with that around Skottows Pond in Chesham. I assume that the local authority has been pricking goose eggs as there were only about a dozen canadas visible in the whole park.