I was about to go out at noon when I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue came on the radio so I decided stay in for another 30 minutes and break my habit of doing the washing up in one evening session. This meant that the fat feeder on the quince tree was actually visible for a change.
A great tit was feeding on it but the excitement was a pair of long tailed tits, the first of the winter to be seen in the garden. They worked over the tree, ignoring the feeder and returned a little later to repeat the process. Also ignoring the feeder a female great spotted woodpecker spent some time on the tree.
In the back garden only a robin has been seen on the fat feeder while fat pieces keep getting taken from the ground feeder when I am not watching. Whatever is doing it defintiely doesn't like the sultanas which still seem to be untouched.
A great tit was feeding on it but the excitement was a pair of long tailed tits, the first of the winter to be seen in the garden. They worked over the tree, ignoring the feeder and returned a little later to repeat the process. Also ignoring the feeder a female great spotted woodpecker spent some time on the tree.
In the back garden only a robin has been seen on the fat feeder while fat pieces keep getting taken from the ground feeder when I am not watching. Whatever is doing it defintiely doesn't like the sultanas which still seem to be untouched.