We now seem to have pretty steady custom on the feeders. Great tits and a few blues come to the fat feeders while chaffinches take both fat and sunflower hearts. Goldfinches are pretty regular for the sunflower hearts but don't touch the fat feeders. Robins and blackbirds occasionally take fat from the feeders as well as foraging at ground level. Dunnocks feed in undergrowth and don't even seem to come out to the ground feeder. Wood pigeons trample plants around the feeders and sometimes take fat as well while the long tailed tits are occasional visitors.
The ground feeder had a visit yesterday from a field mouse who quite calmly sat there nibbling at a piece of fat block for some time.
No sign of woodpeckers or starlings however.
The ground feeder had a visit yesterday from a field mouse who quite calmly sat there nibbling at a piece of fat block for some time.
No sign of woodpeckers or starlings however.