Driving home just after midnight last night I had just passed through Latimer when a badger suddenlty emerged from the hedgerow and turned its head to face me. Luckily I was anticipating wildlife at that time of night and slowed down promptly otherwise it might have been yet another ex badger on the tarmac. What was a surprise was to get the full face in the headlights, it is unusual to get a good look at the mask as they are usually crossing at right angles or running away.
At the edge of the little orchard in Codmore Wood Road there was a muntjac eating windfalls. As the lights startled it we could see pieces of apple falling from its mouth.
In the garden the birds seem to be thinking about nesting with a pair of robins not only not fighting but collecting dead leaves and taking them into the honeysuckle on the side fence.
At the edge of the little orchard in Codmore Wood Road there was a muntjac eating windfalls. As the lights startled it we could see pieces of apple falling from its mouth.
In the garden the birds seem to be thinking about nesting with a pair of robins not only not fighting but collecting dead leaves and taking them into the honeysuckle on the side fence.