It has been quite a few years since I have had greenfinches in the garden but today a trio suddenly appeared on the feeder taking sunflower hearts. Despite having four ports on the feeder the pair feeding would not allow the other anywhere near although as they squabbled they did change places from time to time. Eventually they all suddenly flew off to be replaced by a sollitary goldfinch. When I moved here over 20 years ago I never imagined that greenfinches would be unusual and goldfinches an everyday occurrence.
At the front of the house a great spotted woodpecker was on the feeder as I came down to breakfast but flew off as soon as I moved near the window. The great tit who promptly came down wasn't so concerned.
At the front of the house a great spotted woodpecker was on the feeder as I came down to breakfast but flew off as soon as I moved near the window. The great tit who promptly came down wasn't so concerned.