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Stockers Lake

With a nice clear brisk day it seemed like a good idea to go for a walk around the lakes at Rickmansworth. Bury Lake by the car park had its usual collection of mute swan, mallard, tufties and gadwall. At a distance away in the trees was what sounded like a ring necked parakeet but it was heading away so I didn't get a view. Moving onto the north side of Stockers Lake the low sun and clear sky made visibility difficult. The open water seemed pretty clear anyway but I couldn't make out any details although from the calls it was clear that there were no wigeon present this time. Once I reached the west side things became clearer. Come of the smnaller islands had been cleared of trees and undergrowth to make them suitable for ground nesting birds. A flock of around 30 lapwing were well hidden until they suddenly took to the air and spent several minutes wheeling around the lake before returning to land swooping past an inpurtbable heron. This more than made up for the lack of common pochard and wigeon which I was expecting but better was to come. Just around the corder was a small party of red crested pochard with 5 drakes and 2 ducks huddled in the shelter of one of the islands. It always helps to pay attention to what other birders are looking at, especially one using a camera with a lens bigger tham most telescopes! A goldeneye was very considerately posing to give is his best profile as shown in all good field guides. Further along the path was another goldeneye and with the sun behind me a fair sized party of shoveller with the plumage showing up very nicely.


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