I was contemplating setting up this blog for some time. While checking my emails I heard a characteristic call, very close. Looking out of the window, for the first time ever, I saw a cock pheasant in the garden, pecking among the fallen husks between one of the feeders. After turning over the scattered sunflower cases with beak and claws he walked over to the water dish to drink before wandering down the garden.
Otherwise it had not been a particularly interesting day on the feeders. A fat wood pigeon cleaned up most of the food on the ground feeding tray and the squirrels were more in evidence than birds on the ground hopper which is filled with sunflower hearts.
The goldfinches were on the nyjer seed feeder first thing plus a solitary siskin. That feeder has been far busier during the last couple of months. The siskins are now regular visitors.
Otherwise it had not been a particularly interesting day on the feeders. A fat wood pigeon cleaned up most of the food on the ground feeding tray and the squirrels were more in evidence than birds on the ground hopper which is filled with sunflower hearts.
The goldfinches were on the nyjer seed feeder first thing plus a solitary siskin. That feeder has been far busier during the last couple of months. The siskins are now regular visitors.