He was back again today, about mid morning. Scraping around the feeders to uncover scraps made a bit of a mess of the lawn. After taking a drink he wandered down the garden and settled down in a sheltered corner by the lilace for a couple of hours. I looked at one point and the cat was sitting by the window, the pair of them totally ignoring each other. When I opened the window to let the cat in he crouched down but made no other attempt to move.
It finally rained today, a nice change from the cold dry north easterlies that we have been having. Gentle light rain which soaked the ground nicely but did very little to refill the water butt. Not much else in the way of birds in the garden this morning, the wood pigeon cleaned up most of the ground feeding tray again and the squirrel is still cleaning how the sunflower hearts, also ignored by the cat. Actually I have never seen her take a bird but she is a keen mouser but not keen enough to save all the bulbs that I had in the lean-to.
I noticed that the goldfinches always use the highest available ports on the nyjer seed feeder. Trouble is now that the bottom ports have clogged. When it next needs refilling I will have to take it apart and clean it.